Help our small businesses.
Help those in need.

Legacy Foundation with community partners recognize the critical need to act with fierce urgency to support the people of Cowley County as well as the businesses, nonprofit partners, and individuals working in healthcare, government, and emergency response hit hardest by the impacts of COVID-19.
We must stand together. By acting together, we believe we can preserve in this critical moment and be stronger for our trials.
Legacy Foundation has designated up to $20,000 as a match for the Rally Cowley Relief Fund. The Rally Cowley Relief Fund will provide grants to food pantries and other nonprofit organizations that are helping individuals and families in our community. Grants will be determined based on available funds and the greatest community need at the time of the award.
How it Works
When you purchase gift cards for your favorite local small businesses through the program set-up by the Arkansas City and Winfield Area Chambers of Commerce, then Legacy Foundation will match your purchase amount with a gift to the Rally Cowley Relief fund (up to a total match of $20,000) supporting food pantries and other basic needs for individuals and families in our community.
So, if you spend $100 on a gift card to be used at your favorite local small business, a local family in need will receive $100 in support for food, utility, rent, food, or prescription drug costs through our area nonprofits such as Angels in the Attic, Cowley Cares Coalition at Eagle Nest, Inc, or Joseph's Storehouse in the coming months as the impact of this crisis hits home.
What else
If you just want to donate to the Rally Cowley Relief Fund, you can do that by continuing online or by mailing a check directly to:
Legacy, PO Box 713, Winfield, KS 67156 (note "Rally Cowley" on the memo line).
The impact of social distancing is having a huge impact on our local hospitality, retail and service industries. But we need to remember, while we are isolated, we cannot be inactive.
In partnership, Legacy Regional Community Foundation along with the Winfield Area Chamber of Commerce and the Arkansas City Area Chamber of Commerce have launched a Rally Cowley campaign. For each local e-gift card purchased, Legacy will MATCH the purchase with a donation into a local coronavirus relief fund.
Don’t see your business listed here? Follow one of these links to sign up!
To sign up under the Ark City Chamber, click here – Ark City Chamber GiftFly Sign-up
Criteria for inclusion: Maximum of 50 full-time employees.
Business must be located in Cowley County
Business owner must reside in Cowley County
To sign up under the Winfield Chamber click here – Winfield Chamber GiftFly Sign-up
Criteria for inclusion: Maximum of 50 full-time employees. Must have at least one full-time employee
Business must be located in Cowley County
Business owner or majority shareholder must reside in Cowley County
A note about purchasing E-gift cards: Each business’s gift cards are linked directly to their business. For this reason, you cannot purchase gift cards from multiple businesses at one time. The transactions for each business need to be completed individually – just as it would be if you went into the actual business to purchase gift cards. You CAN, however, purchase more than one gift card from from a specific business in one transaction.
Local Gift Cards Available for Purchase:
Don’t see your favorite retail shop listed here? Call or message them and ask them to sign up!
Elite Advertising – E-gift card coming soon
Make it Yours – E-gift card coming soon
Moundbuilder Market by Get Branded Custom Tees
Shell Cottage – E-gift card coming soon
The West Riley – E-gift card coming soon
Food and Drink
Terry and Melody’s Daylight Donuts
Entertainment and Services​
Barns at Timber Creek B&B and event venue
Endless Summer Tan – E-gift card coming soon
Hairspray – E-gift card coming soon
Tranquil Touch Massage – E-gift card coming soon
Home-based Businesses